5 Reasons Your Child Should Take Winter Swim Lessons

From keeping active to getting water-safe before Summer hits, you’ll be a happy camper if you enroll your child in Winter swim lessons…

1. Stay active!
What better way to keep your kids healthy than building their endurance, strength, and coordination?
2. Don’t worry, swim happy!
Did you know that swimming literally makes you FEEL better? Yes, you too parents. Besides the endorphins created from exercise, submerging the body in water stimulates the nervous system in a way similar to getting a full-body hug, uplifting any bad mood.
3. Cure the brain fog.
Every feel yourself or your kids drifting away? There are many things that cause this, but swimming can cure it! Help your kids get focused and sharper by getting them to the pool.
4. Wear ’em out.
Or perhaps your kids have from the opposite issue: excessive activity. Make bed time super easy by helping them get their crazies out at swim lesson!
5. You’ll have a head-start on Summer.
There’s no getting around it… Summer is 4 MONTHS AWAY. Get those kids water-safe to enjoy all of the fun water activities Summer has to offer so you can relax, too. 🙂

Instructor Schedule Updates!

Grab these spots while they’re hot…
Kezia is now available on Tuesdays starting at 2pm for Winter Session and Jordan will be teaching Tuesdays and Thursdays for the Spring Sessions from 10:30am-5pm. Sign up now!
Winter Session: Now-Feb. 24th
Spring 1 Session: Feb. 26th-April 21st
Spring 2 Session: April 23rd-June 16th


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